Ambient Mesh with Marino Wijay & Matt Turner

Ambient Mesh with Marino Wijay & Matt Turner

Curious about Istio's new deployment mechanism, Ambient Mesh? It allows you to use Istio service mesh without relying on sidecar proxies, which brings a bunch of improvements that Marino and Matt share throughout this episode; as well as a ton of deep dive technical implementation details.

  • (00:00) - - Introductions
  • (01:50) - - What Ambient Mesh?
  • (04:15) - - Why Ambient Mesh?
  • (18:20) - - Waypoint Proxy
  • (25:00) - - Trade Offs
  • (34:20) - - Why Not eBPF?
  • (39:50) - - Istio Graduation!

Episode Video

Creators and Guests

David Flanagan
David Flanagan
I teach people advanced Kubernetes & Cloud Native patterns and practices. I am the founder of the Rawkode Academy and KubeHuddle, and I co-organise Kubernetes London.
Laura Santamaria
Laura Santamaria
🌻💙💛Developer Advocate 🥑 I ❤️ DevOps. Recovering Earth/Atmo Sci educator, cloud aficionado. Curator #AMinuteOnTheMic; cohost The Hallway Track, ex-PulumiTV.
Marino Wijay
Marino Wijay
DevRel Dojo & EmpathyOps | Developer & Platform Advocate 🥑 @soloio_inc | #70DaysOfServiceMesh | Ambassador @ EddieHub | Dad/Husband | #SpacesHost | @KubeHuddle
Matt Turner
Matt Turner
@mt165@libretooth.grEngineer at Tetrate. Tweets about Service Mesh, WASM, etc. Likes tea.