Is WASM the Future?

Is WASM the Future?

In this episode, hosts David and Laura, sit down with Laslo Fogas; a self proclaimed WebAssembly sceptic. They discuss the future of Cloud Native and improving the broken developer experience.

Episode Video

Creators and Guests

David Flanagan
David Flanagan
I teach people advanced Kubernetes & Cloud Native patterns and practices. I am the founder of the Rawkode Academy and KubeHuddle, and I co-organise Kubernetes London.
Laura Santamaria
Laura Santamaria
🌻💙💛Developer Advocate 🥑 I ❤️ DevOps. Recovering Earth/Atmo Sci educator, cloud aficionado. Curator #AMinuteOnTheMic; cohost The Hallway Track, ex-PulumiTV.
Laszlo Fogas
Laszlo Fogas
🌱 Bootstrapping, bringing the Netlify experience to the cloud native ecosystem. Tweets about gitops, cloud native tech and dx